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Course Curriculum


Objective:-  The objective of this course is to give the students an understanding of concepts, various policies, strategies and decisions related to marketing.


Unit -1  Understanding strategic marketing management- macro environmental analysis and strategic options- the strategic role of marketing- Dynamic business avenues- getting closer and customer – product/ service innovation.

Unit- 2 Developing strategies for competitive advantage- competing in global market. Business strategy and competitive advantage- Managing environmental turbulence, Strategy for competing, Competitive advantage, business strategy, strategic analysis and strategic selection process for developing market- driven strategies – marketing strategy formation – characteristics marketing decisions.

Unit-3 Strategic marketing planning process – marketing situation analysis- marketing strategy design- market targeting and positioning strategy, product selection, - marketing programme development – strategy.

Unit-4 Assessing the competitive position- understanding competitive market, their structure and attractiveness – assessing advantages. Choosing avenues and advantages- deciding how to compare, where to compare – gaining access to market, responding to global markets. Renewing the strategy- charting new directions, conditions for successful renewal, setting the growth directions.

Unit- 5 The strategic role of information – information and competitive advantage , marketing research , artificial intelligence and expert system- issues in managing information. Global trends and export marketing strategy in selected products- global trends and emerging challenges- India’s export performance and evolving strategies.


 Management cases, games and field survey for identifying: (A) marketing situation analysis for selected rural / urban products, (B) evaluating small/ agri business opportunities, (C) capitalizing on opportunities through the marketing mix- product mix strategy- promotion mix strategy- channel management- pricing strategy- positioning strategy, (D) market opportunities for consumer services.

Suggested readings

  1. George.S.Day.(2004) .Market driven Strategy:Processfor Creating Value, The free Press, A Division Of macmillan,Inc.,newYork.
  2. Stenson J.shaw, John f.willeborg, Richard E.Stanely. (2006). Marketing Management strategy – Cases and Problems, printice Hall, Inc.bombay.
  3. Richard J. geruson.(2005) A Theory of Market strategy . Oxford University Press, New York.
  4. Ramanuj Mamjumdar. (2004) Marketing Strategies – Allied publish Ltd., New Delhi.
  5. David W.Carvens. (2004) . Strategic Marketing – IRWIn – Hob Wood, Boston.
  6. Phillip Kotler. (2005) Marketing Management, the millennium Edition, prentice Hall Of India Pvt. Ltd New delhi.


        2. Mmgt 502             ADVANCES IN RURAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT (2+1)

Objectives:- To develop understanding regarding issues in rural markets in India and to understand the rural consumer behavior.


       Unit - 1 Definition of rural marketing characteristics. Similarities and distinguish between agriculture and rural marketing. Rural market environment demographic environment, economic environment, natural environment, technological environment, socio- cultural environment, political environment, and legal environment.

       Unit - 2 Rural market position and analysis. Types of market – ways of segmentation markets. – strategic decisions in analyzing and finding rural market. – targeting market problems of agricultural inputs and consumer products in rural areas and the role of co-operatives.

       Unit – 3 Rural marketing strategy development and research – product stragtegy,price strategy, distribution strategy, communication strategy – challenges in communication, profiling target audience, communication object of designing message, selecting communication channels, selecting the promotion mix, rural media mass media, folk media , meals and selling and promotion strategies.

      Unit – 4 Criteria and techniques in marketing decisions, rural marketing informal systems. Rural consumer behavior- factors affecting consumer behavior characteristics of rural consumer, consumer buying process, diffusion innovation. Targeting, segmenting, positioning – basis of segmental selection of segments, identification, selection, development communication of positioning concept.

      Unit - 5 Role of government in rural marketing scene, consumer movements and impact and rural marketing, need for rural marketing in India. Designing strategic rural marketing mix: meaning of rural product, classification schemes, brand decisions, packaging and labeling and promotion mix.


     On the spot studies and field visit in rural markets to identify the marketing strategies and techniques adopted by rural organizations involved in production and marketing.

Suggested readings

  1. K.uchiSayulu.(2004) Rural Marketing In India , Anmol Publicaton, New Delhi.
  2. T.P. gopala swamy. (2005) Rural Marketing Enviornment , Problems And Strategies, Response books, New Delhi.
  3. Sanal Kumar, Velayudhan , (2004) Rural marketing –targetting the Urban Consumer , Response Books, New Delhi.
  4.  Singh Garg. (2004) Agricultural Marketing , anhad Publishers. New Delhi.
  5. Nizamuddin Khan .(2004) Agricultural development and marketing, H.K. Publishers. Hyderabad.
  6. Rajagopal (2005) Rural marketing In India . Renaissance Publishing house.
  7. Pradeep and Kashhyap & siddartha Raut (2006) The rural marketing book, Biztantra , New Delhi.
  8. Krishnamacharyulu c & Ramakrishnan L. (2002) Rural marketing , Pearson Edu.
  9. Ramaswamy v S & Nanakumari s. (2006) Marketing management, 3rd Ed.


  1. Mmgt 503                 STRTEGIC MARKETING COMMUNICATION (2+1)

Objective To familiarize the students with the different communication mix in Rural/ urban marketing.


          Unit – 1 Nature of marketing communications- marketing communications ; past , present, future – communication process and marketing mix.

          Unit – 2 Marketing communications- strategy and its nature- marketing communication planning, elements of marketing.

          Unit -3 Communication mix- personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, publicity and public relations, sponsorship, exhibitions, corporate identity and corporate image , packaging, branding , merchandising , word of mouth, cyber marketing – internet and online strategies.

          Unit – 4 managing marketing communications mix- integreated marketing communications, strategic issues in marketing communications. Marketing communicatins for different types of products – rural marketing communications.

         Unit – 5 Global implications for marketing communications – international marketing communications.


  1. Case analysis.
  2. Observation and evaluation of marketing communication practices of selected organizations.
  3. Studies on communication effectiveness.
  4. Visits to organizations specialized in marketing communication.
  5. Exercise on preparation of advertising copy.

Suggested readings

  1. P.R.smith(2005) Marketing Communications: An Integreated approach , KOGAN PAGE ,London.
  2. Alan.H.Anderson and david Kleiner (2004) Result Oriented Marketing communications , Beacon Books , Newdelhi- 110063
  3. Paul Smith ,chris Berry and alan Pulford (2005) Strategic Marketing communications, Kogan Page, London.
  4. Rpssiter and Percy (2005) Advertisement Communications and promotion Management ,Mcgraw hill, New Delhi.
  5. Clarke, L. cay wood (1997)  The hand book of Strategic Public Relations & Integreated Communications , Mcgraw – Hill BookCompany, New Delhi.


  1.       Mmgt 504          MARKETING RESEARCH & INFORMATION SYSTEM  (2+1)


  • To understand the process of systems analysis and design and to gain practical orientation to conduct marketing research.


     Unit -1 Marketing research – scope and importance ; marketing research management ; role of marketing research in strategic decision making in marketing research and market research ; cost value analysis of marketing research ; limitations of marketing research; ethical issues in marketing research – issues connected with the client , researcher and the informants – marketing information system- need importance and functions; components of marketing information systems; marketing information systems marketing research.

     Unit – 2 Marketing research process, major steps in marketing research process , types of research – exploratory research and conclusive research . descriptive research vs experimental research; qualitative research vs quantitative research , data sources- internal and external sources ; methods of research survey, observation, focus group discussion, depth interview. Project technique analysis , research design, sampling technique, theories of sampling , types of sampling , sampling distribution, determination of sample size.

      Unit-  3  Measurment and scaling technique – nominal scale , ordinal scale, ratio scale, variables and attributes , attitude scaling , liken scale , semantic differential scaling , staple scale, questionnaire design, factors to be considered in questionnaire design.

      Unit- 4   Data analysis and interpretation, tools for data analysis , hypothesis setting and testing , parametric and non – parametric tests, z test, chi-square  test, ANOVA – univariate and multivariate , analysis of experimental designs , use of Ms. Excel And spss package for data analysis – cluster 1, analysis ; conjoint analysis, factor analysis , multi dimensional analysis , 5 discriminate analysis , report writing.

         Unit -5  Market research , packaging research , consumer research, motivation research, communication research, Sales research, advertising research, testing of media effectiveness, pre test and post test, copy research.



             Application of marketing research in India – case studies- aspects of information technology and policy making, - computerization of IIFCO.


Suggested readings

  1. Harper.W, Boiyd , Ralph west Fal & Stanely F.Sasch(2005) Marketing Research text and cases , Irwin Publishers.
  2. G.G. Beri, (2004) marketing research – text and cases tata Mcgraw  Hill
  3. Ronald M.Weires , Marketing Research (2004).Prentice Hall co.
  4. David J.Luck. & Ronald S. Rubin (2005) Marketing Research Prentice Hall.
  5. CarlMc Daniel & Roger gate (1999) Contemporary marketing research , Ohio.
  6. Parasuraman a, druv grewal and r. Krishnan(2004) marketing Research , Biztandra, New delhi.
  7. Nargundkar, Rajendra(2004) Marketing Research – text and cases , I’ara McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
  8. Green, Paul E., Donald S. tull and Gerald Albuaum (1998)  Research for marketing decisions, Prentice hall of India , New Delhi.
  9. Hair,Joseph (2005) Marketing Research , Tata Mcgraw hill, New delhi.
  10. Malhotra , Naresh(2002) Marketing Research Prenitice hall of India , New Delhi.


  1.     Mmgt 505                             CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR  (2+1)

Objective   To expose the students on the various consumer behavior models, and studies on selected groups of rural consumers and their behavior on purchase decisions.


  Unit -1  consumer behavior- concepts, Nature , scope, and applications of consumer behaviour and marketing strategy , profiling consumers and their needs, market segmentation, and consumer research, psychographics and life style, consumer behavior audit.

   Unit -2 Consumer involvement and decision making, consumer decision making process, information search process, evaluate criteria and decision rule.

    Unit – 3  Individual influences on buying behavior, consumer as an individual, theories of personality, personality and market segmentation, consumer perception, consumer needs and motivation, personal influences and attitude formation, learning and consumer involvement, communication and consumer behavior, reference group influence in buying decisions, opinion leadership, family life cycle and decision making, social class concept and measurement.

Unit -4  The buying process, problem recognition, and information search behavior, information processing , alternative evaluation, purchase process and post purchase behavior, models of consumer decision making – early models, Howard Sheth model. Recent developments in modeling consumer behavior.

Unit- 5 Culture and consumer behavior, core culture and sub cultures. Role of culture in consumer buying behaviour , profile of Indian consumers , consumer protection in India, public policy and consumer Behaviour.


   Application and adoption of various consumer behavior models to situations , studies on selected groups of rural consumers and their behavior.


Suggested readings

  1. John.A. Howard (2005) Consumer behaviour in marketing strategy, Prentice hall, New jersy.
  2. Hoyel Maclnnis (2006) consumer behavior, educational publishers.
  3. Walters and Bergiel , consumer behavior a decision making approach, south Western publishing Co.
  4.  Lack Rubin (2005) Marketing Research ,prentice Hall. Newdelhi.
  5. Peter m. chisnall(2004) marketing : a behavior analysis , the mc Graw – Hill publishing House.
  6. Micheal r. Solomon.(2003) consumer behviour buying, having, and being . Prentice Hall. NewJersy.
  7. Hawkins, Best and Coney (2004) consumer behviour , tata McGraw Hill, NewDelhi.
  8. Sehiffman, L.G. and Kanuk , L.L.(2006) consumer behavior, prentice Hall of India , NewDelhi.
  9. Laudon,david L and bitta Albert J Della (2005) consumer behavior , Tata McGraw hill, Newdelhi.
  10. Mowen, John C: (2006) consumer behavior , Macmillan , NewYork.


  1. Mmgt 506                  BRAND MANAGEMENT (1+1)

Objectives To understand the strategic significance of brand building, and to understand the formulation and implementation of brand building strategies.


 Unit – 1 Concepts of brand, importance of branding , types of branding , brand awareness , brand essence, brand personality, brand identity, brand associations, brand image and brand loyalty, brand equity, product vs. corporate branding , new brand development.

Unit – 2 branding strategies, brand name selection,, brand building tools, brand extension decisions, related extension and unrelated extension , family Vs. Individual brand names, multiple branding, private vs. national branding.

Unit -3  brand positioning , associations, image and positioning, value creation by brand associations, type of associations, brand positioning, and re- launch , brand building and communication, brand repositioning, Indian cases on brand positioning and repositioning.

Unit-4 Evaluation of brand equity, models for evaluation of brand equity.

Unit-5 branding for international markets. Protection of brand assets, brand audit.


  1. Field study on brand awareness, brand loyalty, brand extensions. Etc.
  2.  Case analysis related to various dimensions of brand equity management.
  3. Observation and analysis of brand positioning strategies of selected organizations.



Suggested readings

  1. David A. Aaker (2005) managing brand equity , the free press , NewYork
  2. John Murphy , Brand evaluation (edited) (2006) Hutchinson business books, U.K.
  3. Jagdeep kapoor, (2004) 24 Brand Mantras, Response books, New Delhi.
  4. AiRies & Jack Trout (2004) Positioning, Warner Books, New York.
  5. Alexander L.biel , David A. aaker (1993) Brand equity & advertising , lawerence Erlbaum associates.
  6. Aaker, david A(2000) Managing Brand Equity, Free Press , NewYork.
  7. Sen Gupta, Subrato (2002) Brand positioning, Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi.
  8. Chaturvedi, M. (2003) new product development, Wheeler publications, New Delhi.
  9. Kapferer, j.N.(1997) Strategic brand management, Kogan page , London.
  10. Kuller ,k.L.(2002) strategic brand Management , Prentice Hall, New delhi.
  11. Moorthy, Y.L.R. (2004) brand Management, Vikas Publication house, New Delhi.


  1. Mmgt 507                       NEW PRODUCTS MANAGEMENT  (2+1)

Objectives  To understand the process of systems analysis and design, and to gain a practical orientation to structured systems analysis and to design various dimensions of new Products management.


 Unit -1  product management- introduction and importance of product management. Product –core tangible and augmented. Types of products, role of product manager in different industries, demand forecasting, market segmentation, product – plan components of product plan , product differentiation , product deletion, future of product management.

Unit-2 New product development- stages of new product development, product modification, product variants, diffusion and adoption process, industrial and consumer innovations, diffusion of innovation cycle, new product launch strategies, success and failures, packaging methods and strategies. Channel management and the product manager , customer contact and the product manager, channel selection, monitoring profitability by channel, customer relations and the product manager, customer acquisition

Unit-3 Product positioning, organizing product teams , product policy, product life cycle, new product demand forecasting , models of demand forecasting , product portfolio models.

Unit-4  Category attractiveness analysis- aggregate market factors, category factors and environmental analysis, competitor analysis, assessing competitors current objectives and strategies, differential advantage analysis, customer analysis, beyond category brand extension.

Unit – 5 Developing product strategy- elements of product strategy – strategic options for products, product strategy over the life cycle, financial analysis for product management, sales analysis, profitability analysis. Case studies in new product introductions nd product management.



  1. Interactions with new product managers of selected organizations.
  2. Case analysis related to various dimensions of new products management. Demonstration of new product launching by student groups.

Suggested readings

  1. C.Merle Crawford (2004) New products Management , Hornewood boston.
  2. Oswald ,A.J.mascarenhas ,S.J.(2005) new products Development.
  3. Masacrenhas & Oswaldd A.j.(2004) New products development :us marketing , research and management. Oxford & IBH , New Delhi.
  4. Elward .S.Buffa,Rakesh,k.Sarin, (2003) Modern production and operations management. John Wiley and sons, New York
  5.  Everett Adem , J, Ronald J Ebertt(2003) Production and operations management, Prentice Hall.
  6. Majumdar, Ramanuj(2004) product Management , Prentice Hall Of India.


  1. Mmgt 508              SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (2+1)


Objectives To understand strategic importance of supply chain and to gain practical knowledge about supply chain management.


Unit -1 Concepts of supply chain , decisions phases in supply chain , process view of supply chain , cycle view of supply chain , flows in supply chain, drivers and obstacles.

Unit-2 Demand and supply in supply chain. Techniques for forecasting demand, managing supply and demand, management of variability, inventory management in SCM , uncertainties of demand , concept of optimal level of product availability.

Unit – 3 Transportation in supply chain, role, cost and modes , network designs- factors , models of facility allocation and capacity allocation , role of IT in SCM , supply chain coordination.

Unit- 4 Role of marketing in SCM, Influence of market concept, market orientation, and relationship marketing on SCM . Sales force activities and behaviours in SCM – co-operative beahviours, information sharing , nurturing supply chain relationships, sales person logistics expertise R 7d in SCM, intrafirm R & D Interfirm R&D , supply chain R&D supply chain sales forecasting , role of production in SCM.

Unit – 5 Financial issues in SCM, trends in logistics cost, DuPont model, supply chain costing, Customer service in SCM, Definition Of customer service, customer service as a performance  outcome, customer responses.




  1. Exercise in supply chain forecasting, supply chain costing.
  2. Observation and analysis of supply chains of selected organizations.
  3.  Case studies of supply chain.

Suggested readings.

  1. John  T. Mentzer (2005) Supply chain management Response Books , New Delhi.
  2. Sunil Chopra & Peter Meindas (2004) Supply chain management , person Education.
  3. Charles C. Pionor (2005) Supply chain management, Prest Publishing Mouse.
  4. Chopra, Sunil,and peter Meindle (2005) supply chain management , pearson education , new delhi.
  5. Mentzer, John t. et.el.Ed (2001) Suplly chain management , Response books, Newdelhi.
  6. Ballou, Ronald H (2004) business Logistics / Supply chain Management , Pearson Education , New Delhi.


9.Mmgt 509                       RETAIL MANAGEMENT  (2+1)

Objectives To understand the importance of organized retailing in rural and urban marketing.


Unit – 1 Retailing, nature and scope, retailing scenario in India, wheel of retailing , retailing life cycle, types of retailing, ownership based, store based and non- store based retailing, vertical marketing systems.

Unit – 2 Strategic planning in retailing, retailing environment and customers, designing retailing information system and research. Location and organizational decisions, trading area analysis , site selection, organizational patterns in retailing.

Unit – 3  Operations in management, budgeting and resource allocation, store format and size decisions, store layout and space allocation, store security aspect, credit management.

Unit – IV Product assortment decisions, merchandise forecasting, buying and handling merchandise, inventory management, merchandise pricing, merchandise labeling and packaging.

Unit- V Retail promotion, building retail store image, role of atmosphere, layout planning, retail promotion mix strategy, retail store sales promotion schemes, retail control , controlling retail operations.

Suggested readings

  1. Pradhan, Retail Management(2004) tat Mc Graw Hill , NewDelhi.
  2. Bermen , Barry, and joel evans (2002) retail Management. Prentice Hall, New Jersy.
  3. Levy, Micheal and Barton A Weitz (2003)  retail Management , Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
  4.  Cooper, J (2004) Strategy Planning In Logistics And Transportation ,Hogan Page ,London.
  5. Cox.roger and Paul Britian (2005) Retail Management, Prentice Hall , Harlow.
  6.  Kotler, Phillip (2004) Marketing Management , Prentice Hall of Indian, New Delhi.
  7.  Kripalini,V.H (2004) International Marketing , Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
  8. Minstry of Commerce, Government of India, Export Import Policy 1992-97.


10 Mmgt 510              INTERNATIONAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT   (2+1)   

Objectives: To understand the international environment for marketing and to gain an in-depth understanding of global marketing practices.

Unit – 1 International marketing, meaning and definition, scope and importance of international marketing, international, multinational and global marketing , reasons for international marketing , forces restricting international marketing, management orientation o international marketing, challenges of international marketing.

Unit – 2 International economic environment, different economic systems, big emerging 0nations, low income, middle income and high income countries , international trade environment, preferential trade agreements, specific trading groups, international social and cultural environment, understanding culture, political , legal and regulatory environment, concept of sovereignty, political risk, international legal system,  business issues in legal systems, approaches to dispute settlement, international regulatory environment, WTO

Unit – 3 International market entry strategy, actors influencing entry strategy, modes of entry, exporting, problems of exporting, measures  of import restrictions and export promotion, international payment system, licensing foreign direct investment , strategic alliances, global strategic partnership and relationship enterprise.

Unit – 4 International marketing mix strategy, international product strategy, factors effecting product, international promotion strategy, integrated marketing communications, global advertising, global personal selling, global sales promotion and publicity, international distribution strategy,.

Unit- 5 International marketing information system, and marketing research, steps in international  marketing research, special issues in international ,marketing research, international marketing organization system, international marketing control system, foreign trade policy of India .


Case studies in related areas.

Suggested readings.

  1. M.N. Mishra (2004) International marketing management. , Oxford & IBH Publisinh Co.Pvt. Ltd.
  2.  Subhash C.jain (2005) International Marketing management, CBS Publishers & Distributors.
  3. Czinkotta and Ronkainen (2004) International marketing. The Dryden Press , Chicago.
  4. Terpstra (2001) International marketing , The Dryden Press , Chicago.
  5.  Warren J. Keegen (2001) global marketing management, Prentice Hall Of India , New Delhi.
  6.  UNCIAD (1997) Emerging commodity txcnanges num success, yousef , Frida, Integreated report On Commodity Exchanges and forward markets commission, 2000.
  7. Shadevan, K.G.(2002) derivatives nd price risk management,A study of Agricultural commodity futures in India, IIM, Lucknow.


11 Mmgt 511                           AGRICULTURAL COMMODITY MARKETS (2+1)

Objectives : To give an awareness to the students about the structure and functioning of agricultural commodity markets.


Unit -1   Overview of commodity marketing system, Role of commodity derivatives in agriculture – price discovery , provision of liquidity, hedging, price of storage, relationship between spot and futures prices, establishment of forward prices.

Unit –2 Agricultural options, Meaning of options, option premium determination, relationship between strike price and futures price , interest rates, volatility and risk.

Unit – 3 Approaches to price analysis, fundamental analysis and technical analysis, strategies for successful trading, mechanics of commodities futures, commodity future exchanges, commodity futures contract, participants in future market, commodity orders, clearing house operations, margin requirements,

Unit – 4 commodity derivatives in India, regulatory framework of commodity futures, role of forward market commission and central government, Kabra committee report.

Unit – 5 Commodity Futures in specific Commodities , Pepper, natural rubber , coconut oil, copra, coffees , rice, wheat etc, Commodity exchanges in foreign countries, Chicago,, NewYork, Brazil.etc.


  1. Exercise in futures and options
  2.  Exercise in fundamental and technical analysis
  3. Field visits to spot market, commodity exchanges, forward contract, auction, future markets.
  4. Observation and analysis of market trends.

Suggested readings

  1. Forward markets commission, ministry of food and consumer affairs GO1(2000) Forward trading and forward markets commission.
  2.  Sahadevan K.G. (2002) risk management agricultural commodity markets, a study of some selected commodity futures , working paper series : 2002-07 , IIM, Lucknow.
  3.  UNCTAD. (2003) feasibility study on a worldwide pepper futures contract, 1995.




Objectives: -   The objective of this course is to give the students an understanding of different marketing concept and marketing system context of agricultural inputs.

Unit- 1 Agricultural input marketing, meaning and importance, management of distribution channels for agricultural input marketing, agricultural inputs and their types farm and non- farm , role of co-operatives , public and private sectors in agri input marketing.

Unit – 2 Seed importance of seed input, types of seed hybrid , high yielding and quality seeds , demand and supply of seeds, seed marketing channels, pricing , export import of seeds , role of NSC and states seed corporation.

Unit – 3 Chemical fertilizers, production, export, supply of chemical fertilizers, , demand , prices and pricing policy, subsidy on fertilizers , marketing system, marketing channels, problems in distributions, role of IFFCO and KRIBCO in fertilizer marketing.

Unit -4 Plant protection chemicals, production, export, import, consumption, marketing system, marketing channels, electricity,  marketing  and distribution system, pricing of electricity for agriculture use, subsidy on electricity.

Unit – 5

Farm machinery, production, supply demand, marketing and distribution channels of farm machines, agro Industries Corporation and marketing of farm machines / implements/ equipments.

 Suggested readings

  1. Acharya SS & Agarwal N.L. (2004) agricultural marketing in India 4Th Ed. Pxford & IBH.
  2. Broadway AC & Broadway Arif a. (2003) A text book of agri business management . Kalyani
  3. Singh A.k. & Pandey.S.(2005) rural marketing.new Age.
  4. Singh Sukhpal (2004) Rural marketing- Focus on Agricultural Inputs , Vikas Publ. House.


13          Mmgt 513                      SERVICES MARKETING (2+1)

Objectives: To develop insights into emerging trends in service sector of the economy, and to gain practical knowledge in marketing services.


Unit – 1   Emergence of service economy, nature of service , unique characteristics of services, goods and service marketing, classification of services, origin and growth of service marketing, service marketing mix.

 Unit – 2 Service product development, the service encounters, service consumer behavior, service management trinity, service experience, service quality, service failure and recovery, service blue printing.

Unit- 3 service vision and service strategy, quality issues and quality models of service management, quality function deployment, customer defined service standards, customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction surveys, integrated marketing of services.

Unit – 4  demand and supply management for services , advertising, branding and packaging of services, employees roles in service delivery, customers role in service delivery.

Unit- 5 Marketing in various services, marketing of financial services, marketing of healthcare services, marketing of tourism services, marketing of educational services, marketing of legal and professional services.


Case studies on bank marketing, insurance marketing, tourism marketing, hospital marketing , educational marketing.

Suggested readings

  1. Zeithami, valarie A and Bitner , Mary Jo (2004) services marketing, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
  2. Woodruffe, Helen (2004) Services marketing , Macmillan India, New Delhi.
  3. Lovelock, Christopher, H, (1195) managing services, marketing operations and human resources (1995) Prentice Hall Inc. New Jersey.
  4. Mc Donald , Malcom, Payne, a marketing planning for services, Heinmann, Butter Worth (1996)
  5. Christopher, Lovelock (2005) Serives marketing, Prentice Hall.
  6. Helen Woodruff (2005) services marketing , Pitman Publishing , London.
  7. Keith Bios (2005) Marketing ,Oxford University Press, 2000
  8. S.M. Jha (2004) Services marketing, Himalaya publishing house.
  9. Bidhi Chand (2004) Marketing of services rawat publication, NewDelhi.