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Course Curriculum

Major subjects



To provide analytical input to students with respect to data collection, compilation, interpretation and presentation of basic and applied research in marketing.


MR concepts and design-meaning and importance, research process-organisations of marketing research in India-research design.


Data collection-sampling- questionnaire design and development-attitude measurement and scaling. Data processing and analysis-qualitative research, meaning and scope methodologies-data processing-coding, tabulation, data presentation-description and inference from sample data- analysis of association.


Multivariate analysis-regression analysis, descriminant analysis and factor analysis-conjoint analysis-cluster analysis and multi dimensional scaling – applications of marketing research in India.


Information for decision making-conceptual foundations of information systems- information resource management. System development-overview of systems analysis and design. Computer network and data communications- trends in information technology-hardware, software, data communication concepts.


Managing corporate data resources- organising data- relational data base management systems. Social dimensions of computerization. Media planning concepts-media characteristics- media planning and scheduling, media buying. Marketing communication from sales promotion- direct marketing- publicity and public relation- social marketing communication.

Applications of marketing research in India (both rural and urban marketing)- case studies- aspects of information technology and policy making- computerization of IFFCO. Developing market intelligence & information system for selected agribusiness and co-operative organisations.

Suggested readings

Harper.W, Boiyd , Ralph west Fal & Stanely F.Sasch(2005) Marketing Research text and cases , Irwin Publishers.

G.G. Beri, (2004) marketing research – text and cases tata Mcgraw  Hill
Ronald M.Weires , Marketing Research (2004).Prentice Hall co.
David J.Luck. & Ronald S. Rubin (2005) Marketing Research Prentice Hall.
CarlMc Daniel & Roger gate (1999) Contemporary marketing research , Ohio.
Parasuraman a, druv grewal and r. Krishnan(2004) marketing Research , Biztandra, New delhi.
Nargundkar, Rajendra(2004) Marketing Research – text and cases , I’ara McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
Green, Paul E., Donald S. tull and Gerald Albuaum (1998)  Research for marketing decisions, Prentice hall of India , New Delhi.
Hair,Joseph (2005) Marketing Research , Tata Mcgraw hill, New delhi.
Malhotra , Naresh(2002) Marketing Research Prenitice hall of India , New Delhi.


2) Mmgt 602    ADVANCES IN CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR                (3+1)


 To equip the students to undertake consumer behaviour studies on selected areas in rural marketing management.



Consumer behaviour: its origin and strategic applications – consumer behaviour – nature, scope and application, consumer behaviour and life style marketing.


The consumer as an individual, consumer motivation, personality and consumer behaviour, consumer perception, learing, consumer attitude formation and change.


Organisational buying behaviour, understanding consumers and market segments, research in consumer behaviour, history in consumer research – strategies, methods, tools. Modeling consumer behaviour – learning model, psycho – analytical model, need – hierarchy – consumption behaviour based on economic theory, concepts of utility function.


Environmental influence on consumer behaviour- culture, sub culture, social class, family, family life cycle, buying roles, social groups, reference groups, group influence, opinion leadership.


Consumer decision making process, types of consumer decision, process model, problem recognition, information research, information processing, alternative evaluation, choosing, and consuming


Buying process and post purchase behaviour, behaviour related to purchase, in store purchasing, in house shopping motivation, post purchase evaluation, post purchase dissonance. Application and adoption of various consumer behaviour models to situations, studies on selected groups of rural consumers and their behaviour.


Application and adoption of various consumer behaviour models to situations, studies on selected groups of rural consumer and their behaviour application and adoption of various consumer behaviour models to situations, studies on selected groups of rural consumers and their behaviour. Studies on organisational and household decision making.

Suggested Readings

John.A. Howard (2005) Consumer behaviour in marketing strategy, Prentice hall, New jersy.
Hoyel Maclnnis (2006) consumer behavior, educational publishers.
Walters and Bergiel , consumer behavior a decision making approach, south Western publishing Co.
 Lack Rubin (2005) Marketing Research ,prentice Hall. Newdelhi.
Peter m. chisnall(2004) marketing : a behavior analysis , the mc Graw – Hill publishing House.
Micheal r. Solomon.(2003) consumer behviour buying, having, and being . Prentice Hall. NewJersy.
Hawkins, Best and Coney (2004) consumer behviour , tata McGraw Hill, NewDelhi.
Sehiffman, L.G. and Kanuk , L.L.(2006) consumer behavior, prentice Hall of India , NewDelhi.
Laudon,david L and bitta Albert J Della (2005) consumer behavior , Tata McGraw hill, Newdelhi.
Mowen, John C: (2006) consumer behavior , Macmillan , NewYork.



Give background knowledge of the structural dimension of agri business marketing in India



Understanding marketing management – introduction – marketing task- scope of marketing, marketing concept, tools, company orientation  towards the market place, production concept, product concept, selling concept, marketing concept, social marketing concept.


Field of modern agri business marketing management – scanning the agri business marketing environment , analysing the needs and trends in the macro environment , identifying and responding to the major macro environment forces like demographic, economic, natural, political, legal, and sub cultural environment


Analysing agribusiness marketing opportunities – gathering information and measuring market demand, components of a modern marketing information system, internal records, marketing intelligence, marketing research, and marketing decision support system.


Market and market structure of agricultural products- market integration, marketing integration, marketing efficiency, marketing costs and price spread, Government intervention and its impact of agri business firm, role of APMCs , SAMBs, FCI, NAFED, commodity board.


Identifying market segments and selecting target markets – levels and patterns of market segmentation, segmenting consumer and business markets, market target.


Developing marketing strategies – marketing situations, analysis, marketing management policy and planning, market mix elements, product, price, promotion, physical distribution, product strategies- product planning, product mix, product line, product brand, packaging and service decisions, product differentiation, personnel differentiation, channel differentiation, and image differentiation, product positioning, developing and communicating, a positioning strategy, concept of product life cycle, challenges in new product development.


Pricing strategies- selecting and pricing objective , determining, demand, estimating cost, setting pricing method, setting final pricing, adapting the price, geographical pricing, price discounts and allowances, promotional pricing, discriminating pricing, product mix pricing, intiating and responding to price changes. Promotion – meaning, definition, objectives and concept of promotion mix.


Physical distribution strategies, channels of distribution, channel management decisions, manageing retailing, wholesaling and market logistics. Personal selling. Direct marketing, Business to Business , Marketing role of Self Help Groups in Agri business marketing.


Application and adoption of various product, price, promotion strategies to selected agri business organisations in Kerala. Studies pertaining to role of self help groups in agri business marketing

Suggested readings:

Acharya SS & Agarwal N.L. (2004) agricultural marketing in India 4Th Ed. Pxford & IBH.
Broadway AC & Broadway Arif a. (2003) A text book of agri business management . Kalyani
Singh A.k. & Pandey.S.(2005) rural marketing.new Age.
Singh Sukhpal (2004) Rural marketing- Focus on Agricultural Inputs , Vikas Publ. House.

4) Mmgt 604 Strategic Marketing Management(2+1)


To expose the students to develop appropriate marketing strategies in a competitive business environment


Strategic marketing management- An overview, understanding strategic marketing management and strategic options- the strategic role of marketing- Dynamic business avenues- getting closer and customer – product/ service innovation.



Developing strategies for competitive advantage- competing in global market. Business strategy and competitive advantage- Managing environmental turbulence, Strategy for competing, Competitive advantage, business strategy, strategic analysis and strategic selection


Process for developing market- driven strategies – marketing strategy formation – characteristics marketing decisions.

Strategic marketing planning process – marketing situation analysis- marketing strategy design- market targeting and positioning strategy, product selection, - marketing programme development – strategy.


Assessing the competitive position- understanding competitive market, their structure and attractiveness – assessing advantages. Choosing avenues and advantages- deciding how to compare, where to compare – gaining access to market, responding to global markets.


Renewing the strategy- charting new directions, conditions for successful renewal, setting the growth directions. The strategic role of information – information and competitive advantage , marketing research , artificial intelligence and expert system- issues in managing information.


Global trends and export marketing strategy in selected products- global trends and emerging challenges- India’s export performance and evolving strategies. Ethical issues in strategic marketing in agri business marketing.


 Management cases, games and field survey for identifying: (A) marketing situation analysis for selected rural / urban products, (B) evaluating small/ agri business opportunities, (C) capitalizing on opportunities through the marketing mix- product mix strategy- promotion mix strategy- channel management- pricing strategy- positioning strategy, (D) market opportunities for consumer services.

Suggested readings

George.S.Day.(2004) .Market driven Strategy:Processfor Creating Value, The free Press, A Division Of macmillan,Inc.,newYork.
Stenson J.shaw, John f.willeborg, Richard E.Stanely. (2006). Marketing Management strategy – Cases and Problems, printice Hall, Inc.bombay.
Phillip Kotler. (2005) Marketing Management, the millennium Edition, prentice Hall Of India Pvt. Ltd New delhi.
Richard J. geruson.(2005) A Theory of Market strategy . Oxford University Press, New York.
Ramanuj Mamjumdar. (2004) Marketing Strategies – Allied publish Ltd., New Delhi.
David W.Carvens. (2004) . Strategic Marketing – IRWIn – Hob Wood, Boston.

5) Mmgt 605Supply chain management in agribusiness(2+1)

Objectives To understand strategic importance of supply chain management in agribusiness and rural marketing.


Understanding supply chain management- definition and scope. SCM- a management philosophy, a set of activities, a set of management processes. Consequences of SCM- customer value, customer satisfaction and differential advantage.


Designing distribution network and applications to e-business- network design in supply chain- network design in an uncertain environment.


Planning demand and supply in a supply chain-demand forecasting in a supply chain- planning and managing inventories in a supply chain-designing & planning transportation networks.



Role of marketing in SCM- influences of marketing concept, marketing orientations and relationship marketing on SCM. Sales force activities and behaviours in SCM- co-operative behaviours. Information sharing, nurturing supply chain relationships- sales person logistics expertise. R&D in SCM- intra-firm R&D, inter-firm R&D, Supply chain R&D, Supply chain forecasting.


Role of production in SCM- intra-firm production, interfirm production, supply chain production. Role of purchasing in SCM- changing role of purchasing, organisation, communication and IT. Role of logistics in SCM- order processing, inventory, transportation, warehousing and networks logistics strategy, capabilities and advantage. IT and SCM- agribusiness environment, intra-firm IT, interfirm IT, supply chain IT.


Financial issues in SCM- trends in logistics cost, DuPont model, supply chain costing. Customer service in SCM-definition of customer service- customer service as a performance outcome, customer response. Inter functional coordination in SCM- concurrent management, nature of inter functional coordination. Inter corporate co-operation in SCM. Changing markets and SCM, nature of co-operation, outcomes of co-operation. Measuring performance in SCM- conceptual model of measurement, problems with measures.


Exercise in supply chain forecasting, supply chain costing.
Observation and analysis of supply chains of selected organizations.
 Case studies of supply chain.

Suggested readings.

John  T. Mentzer (2005) Supply chain management Response Books , New Delhi.
Sunil Chopra & Peter Meindas (2004) Supply chain management , person Education.
Charles C. Pionor (2005) Supply chain management, Prest Publishing Mouse.
Chopra, Sunil,and peter Meindle (2005) supply chain management , pearson education , new delhi.
Mentzer, John t. et.el.Ed (2001) Suplly chain management , Response books, Newdelhi.
Ballou, Ronald H (2004) business Logistics / Supply chain Management , Pearson Education , New Delhi.



To express the students to the concept, tools and techniques used in integreated advertising, promotion, and marketing communications.



Nature of integrated marketing communications – marketing communications, past present and future and marketing mix,- marketing communications, strategy  and its nature


The value of IMC plans – marketing communications planning, elements of marketing- communications mix


Corporate image and brand management – personal selling , advertising, sales promotions, direct marketing, publicity and public relations, sponsorships, exhibitions, corporate identity, corporate image, promoting the desired image , packaging, branding, merchandising,  word of mouth, cyber marketing – internet and online strategies- managing communications mixes – integrated marketing communication.


IMC advertising tools – review of advertising management – advertising design -  message strategies and executional frame works- IMC promotional tools- evaluating an integreated marketing programmes.


 Strategic issues in marketing communications. Marketing communications for different types of agribusiness products- rural marketing communications. Global implications for marketing communications – internal marketing communications


Case analysis, observations and evaluation of marketing communication practices of selected organisations, studies on communication effectiveness, exercise on preparation of advertising copy.

Suggested readings

P.R.smith(2005) Marketing Communications: An Integreated approach , KOGAN PAGE ,London.
Alan.H.Anderson and david Kleiner (2004) Result Oriented Marketing communications , Beacon Books , Newdelhi- 110063
Paul Smith ,chris Berry and alan Pulford (2005) Strategic Marketing communications, Kogan Page, London.
Rpssiter and Percy (2005) Advertisement Communications and promotion Management ,Mcgraw hill, New Delhi.
Clarke, L. cay wood (1997)  The hand book of Strategic Public Relations & Integreated Communications , Mcgraw – Hill BookCompany, New Delhi.



To develop understanding regarding practices issues and emerging trends in customer relationship management in different sectors.



Concept and frame work of CRM – CRM as a management tool – components of CRM – stakeholders in CRM


 CRM system – selection and implementation – CRM as an orientation to knowledgement – ownership marketing – types of CRM


Customer recall strategies – call centre management – customer value customer care management – customer value customer care management – customer satisfaction latest developments in customer relations


CRM in banking and insurance sectors – roles – features- issues- modern – tools- and techniques, in banking- CRM practices in Indian banking  - CRM in insurance sector,- CRM in co-operative banks – CRM in co-operative banks – CRM in manufacturing organisations – CRM in tourism – CRM in hotel industry – CRM in hospital services- E-CRM


Emerging trends in CRM- case studies in CRM

Suggested readings

Stenson J.shaw, John f.willeborg, Richard E.Stanely. (2006). Marketing Management strategy – Cases and Problems, printice Hall, Inc.bombay.
Richard J. geruson.(2005) A Theory of Market strategy . Oxford University Press, New York.
Ramanuj Mamjumdar. (2004) Marketing Strategies – Allied publish Ltd., New Delhi.
George.S.Day.(2004) .Market driven Strategy:Processfor Creating Value, The free Press, A Division Of macmillan,Inc.,newYork.

8) Mmgt 608Hospitality management and relationship marketing (2+1)

To give an insight about the managing of services in hospitality industries.


Introduction to hospitality industry- characteristics of the hospitality industry- the focus on service- the domain and conceptual foundations of relationship marketing- evolution of relationship marketing. Conceptual and theoretical foundations of relationship marketing. Conceptual and theoretical foundations of relationship marketing- relationship marketing of services.


Hospitality management in selected organisations- tourism- the hotel business, hospitals etc.- relationship marketing in hotel and rooms division operation- food and beverages vision- front office management.


Consumer markets- relationship marketing and distribution channels- strategic alliances. Partnering for relationship marketing- relationship marketing in mass markets- memberships, customers and relationship marketing- affinity partnering; conceptualization and issues- horizontal alliances for relationships marketing- supplier partnering.


Enablers of relationship marketing- relationship marketing and marketing strategy- organising for relationship marketing- information technology; its role in building, maintaining and enhancing relationships.


Ethical dimensions & social responsibilities in hospitality management

Case studies on customer relationship management & hospitality management in selected field.

Suggested readings

Jagdish N. Sheth, Atul parvatiyar (editors). 2003. Hand book of Relationship marketing, response books.New delhi.
Christopher,M., Payne, A. and Ballantyme, D. (1991). Relationship marketing; bringing quality, customer service and marketing togother, Oxford; Buttar Worth- Heinemann.
Buttle F. (Ed.) (1996). Relationship marketing, Theory and Practice, Liverpool; Paul Chapman.
Christopher, H. (2000). Lovelock – services marketing, printice hall, international, UK, London.
Adrian payne (2002) Advances in relationships marketing. Kogan Page ltd. London.
John R.Walker- Introduction to Hospiotality management – Pearson Education (Singapore) Pte, Ltd, Indian Branch-2005

9) MMGT 609                          Retail Management                                       (2+0)


To understand the importance of organized retailing in rural and urban marketing contents


Unit I

The world of retailing- Retail management- meaning- definition- functions- importance, retail organisation- classifications- types of retailers- multi channel retailing.


Retail planning and strategies, retail environment, retail consumer behaviour, retail store.


Retailing strategy- retail location- location & site evaluation- product decision, branding, labeling, stock management, retail pricing & financial strategy- pricing strategies & Methods, retail communication mix- advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and publicity, HRD practices in retailing.


Merchandise management- managing merchandise assortments- merchandise planning system- store management- store layout, design and visual merchandising and customer service


Retailing research, retailing challenges- virtual store-retail tele marketing, retailing in India-trends and opportunities, Indian retailing; strategc issues and challenges, international retailing.

Suggested readings

Pradhan, Retail Management(2004) tat Mc Graw Hill , NewDelhi.
Bermen , Barry, and joel evans (2002) retail Management. Prentice Hall, New Jersy.
Levy, Micheal and Barton A Weitz (2003)  retail Management , Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
 Cooper, J (2004) Strategy Planning In Logistics And Transportation ,Hogan Page ,London.
Cox.roger and Paul Britian (2005) Retail Management, Prentice Hall , Harlow.
 Kotler, Phillip (2004) Marketing Management , Prentice Hall of Indian, New Delhi.
 Kripalini,V.H (2004) International Marketing , Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.

10. Mmgt 610           OPERATIONS RESEARCH IN MARKETING     (2+1)


To give an awareness in the applications of OR in marketing management



Introduction to operation research – history of OR – definitions of OR – models and Modelling in OR


 Methods of measurement – decision making in agri business organisations, marketing in the context of company strategy, or in marketing – the state of the art, models of market structure – allocation of marketing budget


Static models, models of market response, marketing games, marketing simulation, stochastic models of consumer response- markov models, learning models, advertising decision, determination of advertising goals – determination of advertising budget- media mix, copy themes- pricing decisions.


Economic models – econometric models – competitive models, distribution decisions- measures of cost and availability – personal selling decisions, size of personal, allocations of sales efforts overtime and geographical areas


New product decisions – demand models – cost model- profit model – uncertainty model – decision model- implementation of new product decision – MIS – components – MIS designs – prospective development in OR in agribusiness marketing


Applications of models in field situations – developing MIS for selected organisations and farms.

Suggested readings

Everett Adem , J, Ronald J Ebertt(2003) Production and operations management, Prentice Hall.
Majumdar, Ramanuj(2004) product Management , Prentice Hall Of India.
C.Merle Crawford (2004) New products Management , Hornewood boston.
Oswald ,A.J.mascarenhas ,S.J.(2005) new products Development.

11. Mmgt  611         STRATGIC BRAND MANAGEMENT   (2+1)


 To give an insight to the strategic significance of building, maintaining, and positioning local / national/ global brands in a competitive marketing enviornemnts.



Brand & brand management – meaning , definition, brand value , brand equity, - meaning , issues in managing brand equity, brand loyalty – measurement, strategic value and maintaining and enhancing loyalty, brand awareness – pyramid of brand awareness , means of achieving awareness, perceived quality- value of perceived quality, dimensions of perceived quality, matching perceptions with actual quality.


Identifying and establishing brand positioning and  values- associations, image and positioning, value creation by brand associations, types of associations


Planning and implementing brand marketing programmes- choosing brand elements to build brand equity – designing marketing programmes to build brand equity – integrate marketing communications to build brand equity.


Measuring and interpreting brand performance – developing a brand equity measurement and management system – measuring sources of brand equity, capturing customer mind set – measuring outcomes of brand equity , capturing market performance.

Leveraging secondary brand associations to build brand equity measurement of brand associations- indirect approaches, the decision process, scaling brand perceptions, selecting creating, and maintaining associations, names, symbols, and slogans


Brand extensions – strategy considerations, increasing usage, finding new uses, repositioning the brand, augmenting the product/ services, obsoleting existing products, global branding – meaning of a global brand, targeting a country, analysing the context


Field study on brand awareness, brand loyalty, brand extensions
Case analysis, related to various dimensions of brand equity management
Observations and analysis of brand positioning strategy of selected organisations

Suggested readings

David A. Aaker (2005) managing brand equity , the free press , NewYork
John Murphy , Brand evaluation (edited) (2006) Hutchinson business books, U.K.
Jagdeep kapoor, (2004) 24 Brand Mantras, Response books, New Delhi.
AiRies & Jack Trout (2004) Positioning, Warner Books, New York.
Alexander L.biel , David A. aaker (1993) Brand equity & advertising , lawerence Erlbaum associates.
Aaker, david A(2000) Managing Brand Equity, Free Press , NewYork.
Sen Gupta, Subrato (2002) Brand positioning, Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi.
Chaturvedi, M. (2003) new product development, Wheeler publications, New Delhi.
Kapferer, j.N.(1997) Strategic brand management, Kogan page , London.
Kuller ,k.L.(2002) strategic brand Management , Prentice Hall, New delhi.
Moorthy, Y.L.R. (2004) brand Management, Vikas Publication house, New Delhi.